Friday, September 9, 2011

It's been a while

Almost a year. Needless to say a lot of things have happened. I'm still single but I'm really okay with it. I need to figure out how I want to live my life and just do it and then if a guy wants to join me, he will.

I got a credit card and therefore I have some debt to pay off... But I am really close to getting it paid off and once I do I plan on going to Six Flags Magic Mountain with Brian Barker, Joshua Shupe, Josiah Sanchez, and probably Chelaine Hoffer and Kara Paul. But who knows, right?

I'm going back to Kingman August 1st, 2011 to be a CNA (certified nurse's assistant). It only takes a semester so I can start working full-time! I really want to get out of debt as far as student loans are concerned and if I can do it fairly quickly I may go on a mission but there's still time to plan for that.

I'm almost 20 (about 18 more days)! I'm not 100% sure what I'll be doing to celebrate but there will be pink lemonade in a teapot and Lake Mary. Even if I have to go myself, it's going to happen.

I'm currently living with Stephen and Sarah Padilla (Sarah used to be Sarah Robles). I still get to do my normal routine (work and then play) but I get to babysit her kids when she needs me to. They are wonderful! Andrew is 5, Barrett is 3, and Presley is almost 1 and has started walking a little bit.

I have found someone that I think I can tell everything to. I mean everything. There's a lot that I've told people about my past but there's still one big secret that no one knows, not even my mom or my younger brother or anyone I've called a best friend but I think I could tell him. I don't know if I will because it's not just something you bring up in a casual conversation. If he asks about it then I will but I'm not ready to just blurt it out.

This same friend has also gotten me addicted to It's kind of a problem.

I started reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. I'm only on the 1st habit but it truly is inspiring and I need to purchase it for myself, (I borrowed it from my old roommate

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